6 Free Apps to Take Your Instagram To The Next Level

Today, Instagram is the biggest photo sharing platform. After Facebook, it's the biggest and most active social platform with more than 700 million active monthly users.

Instagram Stories, launched last year, have already overthrown Snapchat in daily active users. Backed by Facebook, Instagram is not showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Thus apart from common people, it is becoming important for the brands and influencers to get a good base on Instagram. But since the competition is rapidly rising, how do you win on Instagram?

To win on Instagram you need 2 things:

1) Reach

2) Engagement.

While the reach defines how many accounts actually see your content, the engagement is defined by the number of likes, comments and saves your content receives. 

The best way to get success on Instagram is to post great photos with great captions. The better the content, the more people will engage with it. More the engagement, more is the value given to the content by Instagram Algorithm. Which then leads to more reach.

But since there is so much noise on the platform, you may need an extra pair of hands to stand out. Here are 5 apps to further up your Instagram game:

1. Instagram App (Business Profile)

If you are a business, public figure or an influencer, this is something you should definitely get (if you haven't already). The business profile gives you access to Insights regarding your followers and the performance of your content. The business profile allows you to run promotions on Instagram to help you grow your business. It also enables your customers to contact you directly through email/ phone number.

It also enables your customers to contact you directly through email/ phone number.

Download From Play Store  Download From iTunes Store

2. PicsArt / Snapseed

Many times, your images require some editing or fine-tuning before posting. You can make basic edits in the Instagram app, but for a more feature rich experience, you should use photo editing apps like Snapseed or PicsArt.

Both the apps are great to use and offer most of the editing features you need to make your photos more kicka*s. Try both of them, and pick the one which suits you the best. (Or like me, use their combination. :) )

Download PicsArt From Play Store  Download PicsArt From iTunes App Store

Download Snapseed From Play Store  Download Snapseed From iTunes Store

5 Apps to improve your Instagram game.

3. AutoHash

With hashtags, you can get a wide reach, and with right hashtags, you can target the people who are more likely to engage with your content. But picking up the right hashtags can be a bit tricky. Enter AutoHash.

AutoHash scans your chosen picture and suggests the best available Hashtags. Their algorithm recognises the objects in pictures and suggests the most suitable hashtags. The app has a simple interface and is pretty easy to use.

Download From Play Store

4. Regrann

Many people fail at Instagram because they try too hard to create great content. But as Gary Vaynerchuk says: If you can't create, then document.

Instagram is full of great pictures. Pictures which might be relevant to your niche and audience. If you can't come up with great content regularly, you can always share other user's photos and videos. Though this should be always done with the right credit to the original owner and with their permission of course.

Regrann allows you to repost Instagram photos and videos easily, without even leaving the app. You can also add watermark to give the credit to the owner (which you should do).

The app also allows you to save the Instagram photos and videos without any hassle.

Download From Play Store  Download From iTunes App Store

5. Followers Assistant

This app is all about understanding and tracking your audience. If you have a business profile on Instagram, you can see many stats about your audience, reach and engagement. But sometimes you want more control.

This app can show you who unfollowed your account, who doesn't follow you back and much more. You can even follow other people back and unfollow the people you follow without even leaving the app. You can also automate tasks, but that requires a paid subscription to their service.

Download From Play Store


I hope you find these apps useful. Your content is still the biggest factor in your success, but these apps will surely give you an advantage.

Got any recommendations? Comment below.

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